Our purpose:

Share Gods Love.

Our purpose is quite simple: To share the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. By sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching the Word and the promises of God in it, you can have a victorious life and walk out Gods plan for you!


Our Mission

While serving as a missionary, Pastor Herbert Mays was instructed by God to start a church in a town called Portland, TN. He was given an objective and that objective was to show people the love of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. The River at Portland is guided solely by the Holy Spirit and yields to His move….

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Nursery / Children / Youth Ministry


Nursery / Children / Youth Ministry

At The River at Portland, we believe in planting the seed of truth in our young peoples’ heart so that it can take root, grow and develop into a lifelong relationship with God. Our teachers are anointed for their ministry and it shows in the fruits of our kids (5 years - 11 years). Our nursery (infant-4 years) is a place of love and is conveniently located with both audio and a viewing window of the service. Although it is staffed, you are welcome to visit or stay with your little one if you choose. Our youth group (12 years - 17 years) is focused on developing a personal relationship with God while growing in truth and knowledge, all while having a great time. In today’s world, it is important to teach our children that with the help of the Holy Spirit, there is nothing that cannot be overcome!


Our Impact

Through supporting missions worldwide and right here at home, The River at Portland continues to answer the Macedonian cry and help those who need it most. As a missionary and veteran himself, our Pastor has a strong commitment to serving the community and countries seeking to further advance the Kingdom of Heaven. Our local contributions go to help support the homeless and needy right here in our own back yard! We can never out give God and we do so with a joyous heart!



20+ years in the ministry

Supporting missions in Jamaica, Panama, United States of America and right here in Middle Tennessee just to name a few! You don’t have to go far to see that everywhere a Christian goes is a mission field, and we strive to ensure that everyone is equipped to handle the awesome responsibility of sharing Gods’ love!



20+ Years Serving our community

The church started out as a store front church seeking to fulfill a need, The River at Portland has supported both the young and the old in our local community. We are constantly looking for ways to reach those in the community and would love you to join us in our efforts of spreading the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.



HUNDREDS of lives changed

By simply allowing the Holy Spirit to guide the services and not our words or actions, God’s presence is ushered in and lives are changed forever. A true experience with our Lord and you will NEVER be the same. Miracles of healing and setting free of mental bondage are seen here when people seek Him and believe.


Our Programs

Various weekly, monthly and annual events are taking place. The Bible tells us to renew our mind. We are constantly seeking ways in which we can do this while having fellowship with each other. This is just a few of our programs and events and we are constantly scheduling things throughout the year as well. To see more click the button……


Pastor Herbert Mays book “He, Me and My Donkeys”

january 2019

“A wonderful book that God used to speak to me personally about some things I’ve been struggling with in my walk with Christ. I laughed, I cried, but mostly I praised God for using this man to bring glory to Jesus! A very inspiring read! Absolutely loved it!”

Click To Buy Your Copy


He, Me, and My Donkeys PNG.png

Get Involved

In the early church, everyone came together to help each other. This was important as it helped build relationships, encourage each other and built a support team that could be there in times when they needed it. Just like the early church, today we still need that same togetherness! We encourage you to get involved, volunteer your time, make a difference and encourage and support one another. Below are just a few ways you can do that….


Sign Up to volunteer

One of the things that can have the biggest impact on another person is simply being there. By volunteering in your church or community, you are giving something that money can’t buy and no one can duplicate, “your time”. A visit to the elderly, cleaning the community, or simply helping a neighbor out, can show the love of God!

Support your local businesses

Many of our members are local business men and women, who are sharing what Christianity is truly about. They are using their God given talent to help support and build our community and share Gods love thru their businesses. From vacation needs, home repair / remodeling to reading a good book and many other services. Click the link to see more…

Make a Donation

2 Corinthians 9:7 - “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” If the Lord has laid it on your heart to make a donation to help further spread the message of the Gospel , then click the link below to donate. Your donation, no matter how big or small, with a cheerful heart will be blessing others and will surely bless you as well.